Fresh off the press, the WMA (World Medical Association) made a significant declaration on October 18, 2015 in Moscow in regards to reinforcing the need for transgender individuals and their right to proper health care for all transgender individuals who wish to address the incoherence feeling with oneself's gender identity. The WMA made up of health care professionals, primarily physicians, world wide has recognized the need for an individual to assume their gender identity free of discrimination within the health care system worldwide, and the need for applying influence at all levels of the heath care system abroad to help every transgender individuals receive proper treatment and address the suppression of many individuals who experience the condition of dysphoria because they fear the general stigma of society.
The WMA has also concluded unanimously that such treatment like hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery along with proper mental health can cure dysphoria and as a result, improve's oneself quality of life. Also, they have recognized that given proper care, patient can finally address the condition as stated in the DSM-V (dysphoria) which will continue to be considered a mental disorder because of the nature of distress that it brings to an individual's way of life prior to receiving proper care and treatment.
As such, it was concluded that efforts should be made to address the gap that exist with respect to uneducated physicians who turn patient away because they lack the knowledge to proper treat patient with this condition or worst yet, they discriminate against transgender individuals because they lack the understanding of the condition. The WMA has committed to encourage to improve the health care abroad by inviting physicians to get informed and help all patients suffering from dysphoria get the proper care that is needed. This progression in the professional health care industry world wide is a great step forward for the transgender community. The WMA is taking leadership to encourage its members to be informed, and help others in their professional entourage to be better informed on the new Standards of Care for transgender individuals abroad.
For a complete description of the declaration, consult the WMA statement here:
WMA Statement for Transgender Individuals
Also for more information on WMA, consult the following link:
It's a good day, for transgender people abroad! :-)
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